- Munich - Pula:approx. 650 km
- Trieste - Pula:
approx. 85 km
- Zagreb - Pula:
approx. 277 km
- Pula - Premantura:
approx. 10 km
> Planning
the route
Toll is charged for motorways and some bridges. The charge for cars and motorbikes is approx. 1.50 € per 100 km.> Further information
Speed limits
- Towns/villages:50 km/h
- Country roads:
90 km/h
- Dual carriageways:
110 km/h
- Motorways:
130 km/h
Mobile phone use while driving is not allowed in Croatia. Wearing seats and driving with lights in daylight are compulsory.Come visit us!
We are pleased to welcome you!> To book

Croatian country road
How to find us
- Salzburg (A8)
- Tauerntunnel
- Villach (A10)
- Udine
- Trieste
- Koper (Capotistria), Slovenia
- Pula
- Premantura
Navigation data
The navigation data directly to your navigation device in the car for the city of Pula / Premantura are:
GPS 44°47'52'' N, 13°54'48'' E
Planning the route
You can draw up your own personal route for the journey in a few seconds and free of charge using www.klicktel.de
... or by plane
directly to Pula: www.germanwings.de (shuttle service from the airport)
... or by bus
Bus services across Europe - www.touring.de
Citymap of Premantura
Directions to Apartment
Walk to the center: ca. 300m
Walk to the surf school: ca. 400m